Is it true that “hydroponic vegetables” are more dangerous than “regular vegetables”?

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It must be admitted that the health trend has become a long-term mainstream trend. Therefore, choosing the most beneficial food for the body is essential. “Vegetables” are also beneficial food. Currently, vegetables available for sale are grown in various ways. 
“Hydroponic vegetables” are another type of vegetable that has become an option for health-conscious people. However, there are still people saying that hydroponic vegetables are grown in water with chemicals, so there will be chemical residues. What is the truth about this? The 
Oh, It’s Like This page by Professor Jessada has posted the details as follows:

Is it true that "hydroponic vegetables" are more dangerous than "regular vegetables"?

The infographic accusing “hydroponic vegetables are dangerous” has been shared again. I have said many times that hydroponic vegetables are not as dangerous as they say. Especially if they are grown according to internationally accepted standards. You can be sure that there are no dangerous residues. To make you more confident. I would like to share an article from the Thai Health Promotion Foundation for you to read.

The trend of eating hydroponic vegetables or vegetables grown in water, which may increase the risk of cancer because of residual nitrate, has created a panic among vegetable eaters. Especially those who eat vegetable salads, causing confusion and uncertainty about whether to continue eating vegetables or not.

But most importantly, this news has an impact on hydroponic vegetable growers nationwide. Therefore, the following question arises: Which is safer: hydroponic vegetables grown in water or vegetables grown in soil? Can residual nitrite in hydroponic vegetables really cause cancer? Do soil-grown vegetables contain nitrate? Finally, how can we grow and consume hydroponic vegetables safely and gain the most benefit?

As of today, there is no medical indication or research from any agency in the world confirming that eating hydroponic vegetables causes cancer or that residual nitrate in hydroponic vegetables poses a risk of cancer in humans. Linking research that nitrate, if consumed in large amounts, can lead to cancer to the discovery of nitrate in hydroponic vegetables and then rushing to conclude and tell the public risks confusion and is too early to draw conclusions.

The truth that must be accepted is that both vegetables grown in water and vegetables grown in soil contain residual nitrate. However, in general, many research studies have found that hydroponic vegetables contain only slightly more nitrate than vegetables grown in soil. But it is still within the standard and safe level of Europe and America for consumption. When growing vegetables, whether grown in water or on soil, all fertilizers must be used.

However, seeds are planted in vegetables grown in soil, while vegetables grown in water use mineral solutions. Both types of fertilizers have the same composition. Which is the main minerals nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium because these are nutrients that plants need to use to create growth. It is similar to humans who need to eat food to get various nutrients to nourish their bodies to grow. The concentration of nitrate in hydroponic vegetables depends on many factors, such as: if grown in an area with high sunlight intensity. It will accumulate less nitrate than if grown in an area with

The intensity of sunlight is low. Therefore, in general, hydroponic vegetables grown in Thailand, where the sun shines all year round, tend to have less nitrate than those grown in the western region, where there is less sunlight. Another factor is the use of mineral solutions in the ufabet water used to grow hydroponic vegetables. If the concentration is high, nitrate will naturally be high. However, no matter how concentrated it is, vegetables will naturally absorb nutrients only as needed. In addition, harvesting in the late morning and vegetables left for a long time will accumulate less nitrate than harvesting in the early morning and vegetables stored for a short period of time. The conversion of nitrate to nitrite in vegetables is quite unlikely.

Therefore, we should be careful of nitrites and nitrates from fermented meats that are often added to use as preservatives, such as sausages, fermented pork, Chinese sausage, ham, bacon, fermented fish, fermented fish, etc. In conclusion, hydroponic vegetables can be eaten. But if you want to eat vegetables grown both in soil and in water to be safe and get the most benefit. You should eat many types of vegetables to get a variety of nutrients. Wash vegetables thoroughly every time. You should find an opportunity to eat local vegetables regularly and take the middle path of eating vegetables. We will be called smart vegetable eaters.